Application Deadline:

May 15, 2024



All Bright Futures applicants who have a Social Security number are required to complete a FAFSA form, which is the federal government’s Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). FAFSA is updating the 2024-2025 application, and it is scheduled to be available in December. See the FAFSA website for more information.

After you apply for FAFSA and receive a PDF copy of your Submission Summary (previously called Student Aid Report, or SAR) which also includes the Expected Family Contribution (EFC), save it in an easily accessible location as you will need this PDF to upload with your Bright Futures application.


CASFA, the Colorado Application for State Financial Aid, is for students without documentation or a Social Security number who will graduate from a Colorado high school and have been physically present in Colorado for at least 12 consecutive months prior to enrolling in college or trade school, which makes them an ASSET student eligible for in-state tuition. See the CASFA website to learn more.

If you are not a U.S. citizen or permanent resident of the U.S., you can use the CASFA to apply for financial aid and also apply for Bright Futures. Unlike the FAFSA, you will not receive a Submission Summary (SAR report) or any correspondence via email. To view your Expected Family Contribution (EFC), which you will need for your Bright Futures application, log into the student portal, and select Review and Update on the appropriate aid year. Click on the down arrow to download the PDF file of your completed application. Your calculated EFC is visible at the bottom of the application, just above the signature section.

Application Deadline Reminder

You must upload your FAFSA Submission Summary (previously called a Student Aid Report, or SAR) and provide your Estimated Family Contribution (EFC) from your verified FAFSA/CASFA in your Bright Futures application. Your application must be completed with all documentation submitted by 5:00pm on May 15.

The application will be available in January. Please check back.